[Toulibre] Attention campagne de Phishing
alexandre.cabrol at soprasteria.com
Lun 12 Déc 09:43:19 CET 2016
J'ai reçu une campagne de phishing usurpant le nom "Toulouse-II" j'ai d'abord pensé à la Fac puis je me suis souvenu du nom de cette liste.
J'ai remplacé le lien malicieux par XXXXXXXX..
Attention donc aux mails Toulouse-II qui arrivent en ce moment...
-----Message d'origine-----
De : Toulouse-ll [mailto:Yolar at adrie.host]
Envoyé : 08 December 2016 19:01
À : Fabien Lenouveau; CABROL PERALES Alexandre; kuster.beaton; julien tixador; Pierre-Olivier cochard; Jeremie GRISOLIA
Objet : RE: good memories
I've visited a very nice place some time ago and have very good memories associated with it, here are some pics of that amazing place http://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: Fabien Lenouveau [mailto:fabienlenouveau at gmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, December 08, 2016 2:00 PM
To: clbouju at wanadoo.fr
Subject: you forgot about poland
I dunno, I get REALLY excited about baseball. I get all in suspense for every single pitch. I don't have a tv anymore and it's probably for the best because I get TOO into baseball. If I watch the games regularly I start to know who's on a streak, who's due for a hit, what pitchers have been on fire, etc. I know for most people it's slow paced, but for me it's all about the anticipation.
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