[Toulibre] scanner choix

jdd jdd at dodin.org
Ven 14 Fév 10:42:34 CET 2014

Le 14/02/2014 10:12, momo a écrit :

> je n'ai à ce jour rien résollu, sur le site des drivers epson je ne trouve que
> iscan-data_1.26.0-1_all.deb
> iscan_2.29.3-1~usb0.1.ltdl7_amd64.deb
> iscan-plugin-perfection-v550_1.0.0-2_amd64
> mais iscan n'existe plus sous debian wheezy, je ne sais pas où trouver cet
> ancien paquet.

je ne sais pas pour debian, mais chez moi j'ai installé tous les paqets (rpm) 
epson et ca marche

voilà ce que dit la notice pour debian:

There are two packages for installing Image Scan! for Linux: core
package and data package. To install Image Scan! for Linux, install data
package, and then install core package. For some models with plug-in
package, after installing data package and core package, install the
plug-in package.
In most graphical environments, just double-click the Image Scan! for
Linux binary package icon to install it. If this does not work for you,
install it from a command line with the least common denominator tools
as follows:
1. Log in as root.
2. Execute the following command to install Image Scan! for Linux.
For Debian packages:
2-1. Installing data package
# dpkg --install iscan-data_$ver-$rel_all.deb
2-2. Installing core package
# dpkg --install iscan_$ver-$rel_$arch.deb
Installing the Software
2-3. Installing plug-in package (if provided)
# dpkg --install iscan-plugin-$scanner_$ver-$rel_$arch.deb
# dpkg --install esci-interpreter-$scanner_$ver-$rel_$arch.deb



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