[Toulibre] Mot de passe pour Samba
Thomas Petazzoni
thomas.petazzoni at enix.org
Dim 9 Juil 14:38:47 CEST 2006
Le Sun, 09 Jul 2006 13:26:10 +0200,
philsfree at free.fr a écrit :
> Justement. Je n'ai pas tapé l'option '-N' :-(
Hum, c'est bizarre. Très bizarre. Et si tu ne mets pas de mot de passe
coté serveur, ça fonctionne ?
> Tant que j'y suis, comment s'utilise l'entrée [homes] ?
Je ne vais pas paraphraser le contenu de la page de man, alors le voici:
The [homes] section
If a section called [homes] is included in the configuration
file, services connecting clients to their home directories
can be created on the fly by the server.
When the connection request is made, the existing sections
are scanned. If a match is found, it is used. If no match is
found, the requested section name is treated as a username
and looked up in the local password file. If the name exists
and the correct password has been given, a share is created
by cloning the [homes] section.
> Le fait de passer "browsable = yes" permet-il de monter sa home
> directory depuis une autre machine avec smbmount ? Et si oui comment ?
The browseable flag for auto home directories will be inher‐
ited from the global browseable flag, not the [homes]
browseable flag. This is useful as it means setting
browseable = no in the [homes] section will hide the [homes]
share but make any auto home directories visible.
Je n'ai jamais utilisé [homes], mais si j'ai bien compris, ça permet de
faire smbmount //server/username.
Bonne journée,
PETAZZONI Thomas - thomas.petazzoni at enix.org
http://{thomas,sos,kos}.enix.org - Jabber: thomas.petazzoni at jabber.dk
http://{agenda,livret}dulibre.org - http://www.toulibre.org
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